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Worship Archives

No. Subject Author Date Views
18 어떤 옷을 입으시겠습니까? PastorJohn 2023.08.02 159
17 하나님의 용사들 Warriors of God-5/28/2023 PastorJohn 2023.06.26 175
16 피 흘리시는 사랑 Love that bleeds - 5/14/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 217
15 가라지의 비밀 The Secret of Tares - 5/7/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 194
14 진정한 예배 True Worship - 4/30/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 203
13 인생의 짐이 무거울때 Is the burden of your life heavy? 4/23/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 197
12 지금 광야를 지나고 있습니까? Passing through the wilderness now? 4/16/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 2559
11 부활의 소망 Hope of Resurrection - Easter Worship- 4/9/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 212
10 영광의 고난 Glorious Suffering 4/2/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 226
9 왜 예수의 피인가? Why Jesus Blood? - 3/26/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 283
8 버려야 얻는다 Gaining by Giving Away 3/19/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 347
7 하나님은 어떤 기도를 응답하실까? What Prayers Does God Answer? 3/12/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 218
6 (KOR/ENG) 하나님의 뜻을 따라가면 If you follow God's will - 3/5/2023 Admin 2023.05.15 526
5 (KOR/ENG) 십자가 군병들아 Stand up, Stand up for Jesus Admin 2023.05.15 189
4 하나의 몸과 많은 지체 Unity and Diversity in One Body Admin 2023.05.15 205
3 한 기쁘고 작은 크리스마스 밤 A Merry Little Christmas Night | Dr. John Kim Admin 2023.05.15 209
2 예수님이 오신이유 Why Jesus Came | Dr. John Kim (Korean/English) Admin 2023.05.15 1231
1 미운 오리 새끼 The Ugly Duckling | Dr. John Kim (Korean/English) Admin 2023.05.15 215